Retail + Store

NMD x Goretex

Previous Post Retailguideline & store conceptfor NMD x Goretex (adidas AG) Creative conception of windows, launchzones and Instoretools for global flagship stores. Rain simulation at launchzone using animation and audio. (Agency: OFFCHIC UG)

adidas Originals x PW HU Holi SS18

Previous PostNext Post Development, “bamboo” conception and implementation of the Pharrell HU Holi guideline for windows and launch zones of the adidas Originals flagship stores. The task was building an unique environment, made from sustainable materials and simple redesign into the 3 colour worlds of individual collections.

adidas Originals x Mastermind World FW17

Previous PostNext Post Japan’s Mastermind WORLD, recently teamed up with adidas Originals on a collaborative EQT collection.Creating retail guideline for windows and launchzones at flagshipstores.